Saturday, September 13, 2008

HYPOCRISY: Incubation of fascism and its irrational worldview!

Cristophobia hides in the recesses and dark corners of bureaucratic offices and agencies of every country in the world; it is most often disguised as well-intentioned public service but is actually a pariah bent on milching the public coffers and fulfilling a hidden agenda.

Self-righteous British Human Rights commissioner wants to violate Christian member's rights in order to gain special rights for her pet group.
According to the Trades Union Congress, no Christian (apart from he nominal variety) could possibly defend the rights of the oppressed, and they have therefore called for Joel Edwards, director of the Evangelical Alliance, to be removed as an Equality and Human Rights Commissioner.

The motion was moved by one Phyllis Opoku-Gyimah, who was ‘appalled’ by his appointment, and even moreso that he retains the support of the EHRC chairman, Trevor Phillips. She said: ‘Joel Edwards has clearly stated that same sex relationships are morally wrong and sinful. How on earth is he going to look at gay and lesbian issues when he has made a career out of opposing equality for LGBT people?’
What we have here is another example of a leftist who cannot see the forest for her trees! Today's rights activists are tomorrow's totalitarianists.
There appears to be an insistence by the TUC that all Equality Commissioners must share the same outlook and the same beliefs. This Marxist strategy is designed eradicate the expression of a range of views and opinions, and to silence debate, especially that which may relate to an expression of Christian orthodoxy.
Amazing; obviously this bigoted woman doesn't grasp the meaning nor application of impartiality, a virtue adamantly taught by God from before his selection of David over his brothers, while His Son demonstrated it by dying on the cross once, for all.

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