Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christopher Hitchens: Cristophobic and incoherent - again!

Give a man enough rope and he'll hang himself ... Hitchens could rig a schooner with what he's been given.

Russell Moore links to and comments on Christopher Hitchens' cristophobic and incoherent diatribe at Slate (Jesus for President).
You know the sort of thing very well: Jesus would have been a ‘human shield’ in Baghdad in 2003; the United States is the modern equivalent of the Roman Empire. It’s the usual ‘liberation theology’ drivel, whereby everybody except the inhabitants of the democratic West is supposed to abjure violence. (To the question of whether the plan to kill Hitler was moral or not, Claiborne cites no less an authority than the Führer’s own secretary to claim that “all hopes for peace were lost” after the 1944 attempt. That, as should be obvious even to the most flickering intelligence, was chiefly because the attempt was a failure. What an idiot!)”
I'm not sure why the Brits let this bloke run loose, or why other countries like Canada and the US allow him access to their citizens.

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