Tuesday, August 26, 2008

APATHY: On being our own worst enemy!

Truth doesn't sell! Goodness and righteousness don't sell! Ergo Christianity doesn't sell! Perhaps this piece by David Warren will explain why!
... I am in favour of good, and against evil. (And be warned: few with the opposite bias are prepared to declare it.) In my own defence, I will state that my preferential option for good is not entirely self-interested. In the longest view, I trust that it will be. But in the short term, and on this planet, I don’t see people getting points for it.

As John Milton discovered (and William Blake famously nailed), evil tends to win the theatrical competitions. Milton’s Lucifer was the livelier and more exciting cosmic presence in Paradise Lost. The journalist in Milton intuitively grasped what publishers have been betting through the intervening centuries: that the life of a sinner is easier to sell than the life of a saint. And this, perversely enough, even though the lives of the saints are often more interesting.

The Devil trades on plausibility, and his argument that "the saints are boring" repays the very little thought most people are willing to devote to the issue.

The glorious truth is: Jesus is the Truth, the Life, and The Way, but He is not in sales.

The sad truth is: 57% of those who profess to be followers of Jesus as the only way to eternal life [HT: Black Kettle], believe there are other ways to that life and the vast majority of Americans long for goodness and righteousness to win [HT: Black Kettle] ... publicly ... but contradict that behavior privately.

Cristophobes may appear to carry the day, but they don't and they won't. But it would be a lot easier to combat cristophobia if we all took up our swords and trowels and stood in the gap.

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